Anxiety: Meaning, Symptoms, Causes, Prevention and Cure!
Now a days due to tension of work life and personal life "Anxiety" is becoming a very common problem. Anxiety is fine if it is just for a specific moment or time due to any task and challenge. Thus if anxiety prevails for a temporary moment then it is not counted as a mental health issue as some people while facing a task or some challenge often become anxious and when that situation is over they again become normal. If you feel anxious for doing your work perfectly and on time, you are focused towards it and when the task is completed you come back to normal phase then it is a normal thing. Whereas, if anxiety becomes a habit for each and every situation you become anxious that is counted as a mental health issue as in such cases your entire focus is gone, your sleep is gone, you cannot even have your meals appropriately, sometimes all these things even brings your immunity down and thus harms your body too. Anxiety disorders can be a life long mental health issue and if not...