Bipolar Disorder: Its Meaning, Symptoms, Triggers, Causes and Treatment.
15% of Indians need intervention for Mental health issues, 1 in 20 Indians suffer from Depression, India is among the most depressed countries in the world, only Men externalize mental health issues in India whereas Women still internalize these issues, about 164,033 Indians committed suicide in 2021 and the National suicide rate was 12. As an Indian we have more than enough reasons to talk about Mental health but still in India talking about Mental health disorders is still a taboo, whereas it is just like any other ailment (Blood pressure, Sugar, Cholesterol, etc.) And like other ailments mental health disorders are also of different types, if treated and diagnosed on time they can be cured or controlled. Still because of lack of knowledge over this issue and habit of taking mental health for granted left us untreated and in future dangerous results are received. One such undiscussed mental health disorder is "BIPOLAR DISORDER". According to statistics 1 out of 150 suffer f...