
Showing posts from January, 2023

Bipolar Disorder: Its Meaning, Symptoms, Triggers, Causes and Treatment.

15% of Indians need intervention for Mental health issues, 1 in 20 Indians suffer from Depression, India is among the most depressed countries in the world, only Men externalize mental health issues in India whereas Women still internalize these issues, about 164,033 Indians committed suicide in 2021 and the National suicide rate was 12. As an Indian we have more than enough reasons to talk about Mental health but still in India talking about Mental health disorders is still a taboo, whereas it is just like any other ailment (Blood pressure, Sugar, Cholesterol, etc.) And like other ailments mental health disorders are also of different types, if treated and diagnosed on time they can be cured or controlled. Still because of lack of knowledge over this issue and habit of taking mental health for granted left us untreated and in future dangerous results are received. One such undiscussed mental health disorder is "BIPOLAR DISORDER". According to statistics 1 out of 150 suffer f...

5 Habits which can help you being Mentally Fit in 2023!

Mental health is as essential as Physical health, many of us pay keen attention to our body, what do we eat, how do we eat, when do we eat, etc. but very few of us pay attention to our Mental health and things associated with that such as what do we think, what do we hear, what do we see or do we overthink sometimes? Like our body and its fitness depends upon the food we put under it, our mind and its fitness depends upon the thoughts we put under it. The more toxic food we eat the more prone our body will become to diseases, likewise the more toxic thoughts we put in our mind the more prone we will become to mental illness. According to various Medical health experts most of the people suffer from diseases like Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar disorder or Suicidal thoughts due to the toxic environment, continuous stress, overthinking, jealousy, competition, anger, dissatisfaction with one's performance, comparison with others and negativity in their lives. Some people do not express t...

7 Ways to deal with Depression this Winter!

After the recent case of Tunisha Sharma, an actress just 20 years old who committed suicide on the sets of her own show that too between the shooting hours, issues like Depression, Mental health and Suicide have again came into a limelight. But this time too most people are not yet realizing how important these issues are and our society is not yet ready to talk about it as much as it was needed. However, this issue is not that simple what many of us think. According to WHO, the calculated Economic loss due to Mental Health conditions can be approximately up to $1 Trillion from year 2012- 2030. The National Mental Health Survey of India stated that approximately 14% of the Indian population needs urgent help of Mental health professionals. That means 1 in 7 is suffering from mental illness such as depression, anxiety, etc. which especially increased after the pandemic. Even NCRB declared that suicide rates were highest in the year 2021. Therefore, it has now become very important for a...