Bipolar Disorder: Its Meaning, Symptoms, Triggers, Causes and Treatment.

15% of Indians need intervention for Mental health issues, 1 in 20 Indians suffer from Depression, India is among the most depressed countries in the world, only Men externalize mental health issues in India whereas Women still internalize these issues, about 164,033 Indians committed suicide in 2021 and the National suicide rate was 12.

As an Indian we have more than enough reasons to talk about Mental health but still in India talking about Mental health disorders is still a taboo, whereas it is just like any other ailment (Blood pressure, Sugar, Cholesterol, etc.) And like other ailments mental health disorders are also of different types, if treated and diagnosed on time they can be cured or controlled. Still because of lack of knowledge over this issue and habit of taking mental health for granted left us untreated and in future dangerous results are received. One such undiscussed mental health disorder is "BIPOLAR DISORDER". According to statistics 1 out of 150 suffer from it in India, where most people don't pay attention to it and take it as normal mood swings which causes problems in their lives. It is difficult to diagnose bipolar in teens and young children but more or less according to medical health experts it can be detected by the age of 20 or early 20s.

If left untreated, Bipolar disorder can result in serious problems that effects almost every area of your life, such as poor work performance, damaged relationships with near ones, financial problems or even suicide. Also Bipolar disorder does not come alone, it brings a lot of other diseases with it such as Anxiety disorders, Eating disorders, Thyroid, Headaches, Obesity or ADHD which can make your life even more complicated. Thus if you want to know what Bipolar disorder really is or you have someone close who might be effected from it then read about it carefully and reach medical help if the symptoms match in you or your loved ones.



"Bipolar Disorder" also known as "Manic Depression" is a chronic mental health disorder which causes extreme mood swings ranging from emotional highs (mania or hypomania) to depressive lows (depression) in a person. However, generally people get confused it with normal mood swings which happens in common people but bipolar disorder is not just about mood swings, under this mental health disorder we get to see two phases in a person, one is of Mania and other is of Depression. Unlike the ordinary mood swings, the mood changes of bipolar disorder are so intense that they effect every aspect of your life, let it be your job, family, relationships, financial status, social status and daily routine.

What happens in Bipolar disorder is that the patient gets into the phase of Mania for several days then he gets normal for some days but after sometime again goes into phase of depression, and this situation keeps on going unless treated or controlled. Generally Men faces Mania phases more and Women faces Depressive phases more.

Under Mania phase you will suffer from extreme emotional highs such as getting happy without any reason or over happiness which you don't feel in your normal days or you will feel irritated very easily due to which you might misbehave with people easily. Your energy levels will increase so much that you will like to keep on working whole day and avoid sleep. You will start speaking too much and too fast unlike the other days, feel over confident and motivated, some patients due to manic highs take risks by investing in some wrong things due to which they suffer huge financial loss. These symptoms lasts minimum up to 1 week and make not only your life miserable but people around you.

Depressive phase on the other hand brings on depressive thoughts under you, where you may feel extremely sad and hopeless, you will lose interest from all daily activities and feel like to be on your bed for whole day and avoid doing any small work also. You may get surrounded by feeling of inappropriate guilt, hopelessness and worthlessness. Sleep cycle becomes disturbed and behavior becomes slowed, due to extreme depressive thoughts some people even attempt suicide.

Thus, this becomes common for a patient of Bipolar Disorder to get in Hypomania/Extreme highs for several days and then gets normal and again gets into depression/Extreme lows for several days and again gets normal. Patient of Bipolar disorder keeps on going in these two phases and as a result person effected by this disease fails to maintain a peaceful and consistent life, also if left untreated patient may suffer from dangerous consequences.


Bipolar disorder as discussed have two phases Depressive and Mania, thus in both phases you will see different symptoms, so lets discuss each symptom of both the phases one by one:-

When you are in Depressive Phase:-

1- Feel hopeless and worthless of yourself every time.

2- Losing interest in your daily work or activities.

3- Feel tired or exhausted every time to do anything.

4- Planning to harm yourself or attempting suicide.

5- Significant weight loss or weight gain.

6- Increase or decrease in your appetite compared to other days.

7- Sleeping too much or having insomnia.

8- Feeling of restlessness or slowed behavior.

9- Loss of energy level throughout the day.

10- Having feeling of inappropriate guilt.

11- Difficulty in concentration.

12- Unable to take any decision.

During Mania and Hypomania Phase:-

1- Sudden increase in activities, energy and agitation compared to other days.

2- Decrease in sleep or insomnia.

3- Taking risks in very impulsive manner, like making foolish investments, quitting job, try to buy expensive things, etc.

4- Suddenly feel too much proud and confident on self.

5- Getting irritated very easily.

6- Feeling too much excited or happy without any reason.

7- Start talking very quickly.

8- Act abnormally in front of others.


As Bipolar disorder is a mental health disorder there may be some actions or situations which can lead to worsened symptoms of this disease in a patient, every patient must be beware of such triggers so that when situation arises he may be ready for that and control himself, what are they lets have a look on them:-

1- Breakdown of a long relationship.

2- Encountering any physical, sexual or emotional abuse.

3- Death of any loved one.

4- Suffering from any major physical illness.

5- Any disturbance in the sleep cycle.

6- Any major problem arise in workplace or home.

7- Seasonal changes.

8- Use of drugs or alcohol.

9- A sudden encounter with any highly stimulating environment or situation.

10- Any major change in life (job loss, marriage or divorce).


The exact causes of Bipolar Disorder is still unknown, the experts are not specific regarding any one cause due to which why some people suffer from it and some do not, but there are several factors which can be responsible for this situation such as:-

1- Genetics

There are various diseases and traits which are transferred in a person from genes. Since bipolar disorder is very common in people who have a first degree relative with this disorder such as parents or siblings it can be one of a reason. Studies do indicate that most patients who are diagnosed with it have any other family member also suffering from it. Thus, if you have any first degree relative suffering from it then you must pay attention to your mental health, as you in that case can also have it in near future.

2- Biological Differences

There have been various studies, researches and comparisons in patients of bipolar with others, and those studies indicate that people having bipolar have physical changes in their brains. However, it is still uncertain that why those changes develop in their brains but it is medically proven that they develop physical changes in brain. Thus, when a person is tested that whether he have bipolar or not, it is also one of a test which helps in diagnosis.

3- Periods of high stress or any traumatic event

Since mental health is very closely related to stress and mental load, some people may catch this disease due to high stress or any high trauma. One stress is common which due to daily work people have but apart from it when the stress level abnormally increase in one's life and takes place of even basic laughter and happiness then problem arises. Having any traumatic event may also cause bipolar, as due to continuous overthinking, stress and feeling of guilt mental health is adversely effected.

4- Excessive use of Drugs and Alcohol

Consuming drugs and alcohol have been never considered a good habit for physical health, but they are dangerous for the mental health as well. Excess consumption of alcohol and drugs may seem to improve your mood for short term and you may feel away from stress but truth is that its overall effect increases restlessness, depression and anxiety in you. Therefore, people having high consumption of drugs and alcohol are more prone to mental illness.


Bipolar disorder is usually believed to be a lifelong disorder and till this date there is no such medicine which can cure it 100% permanently. But their are various medicines to control its symptoms and help you to live a consistent life. First of all if you feel these symptoms in you then you should see a doctor and even if you see these symptoms under your loved ones then also you must recommend them to take medical help. As soon as it is diagnosed and treated the chances to control it becomes higher. Their are many successful people and celebrities who have been diagnosed with bipolar but due to taking proper medical help they are leading a normal life. So, if you are diagnosed with bipolar you must not fear, the only thing you need to do is have faith and control. Apart from various medicines given by doctors their are many self help ways which you must follow:-

1- Waking up early morning and involve yourself in some physical exercise or yoga.

2- Keep a control on your stress level, avoid overthinking and taking too much load on yourself.

3- Practice meditation daily for at least 15 minutes to half an hour.

4- Take support from your trusted family members and friends, share with them your feeling and thoughts.

5- Join any support group or organization (related to mental health) where you can share your problems and speak or discuss your opinions as more you will speak it out the more you will get mentally relaxed.

6- Take proper sleep and try maintain an adequate sleeping time by going to bed early as well as rising early morning.

7- Have a balanced and healthy diet regularly.

8- Keep a check at your mood, when you feel the signs are showing up try to control them in advance by seeking medical help and doing things that make you comfortable. This way you can control your mood swings at an early stage before they get worse.

9- Try to read motivational and spiritual books on a regular basis.

10- Try to engage in religious or spiritual activities.

11- Try watching spiritual, religious and inspirational movies and shows more then other types of shows.

12- Lastly, have faith in yourself and the almighty. Don't treat or think yourself as an abnormal and inferior person, their are several examples where people have fought and won against this disease. People with bipolar can also lead a normal life and like other diseases bipolar can also be managed. 


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