Ways to deal with Stress in your daily life!

As a human being there are many times when situation is not under your control, the things don't turn out as you wish and then you come under a lot of 'Stress". When you are under stress you become aggressive, find difficulty in taking decisions, feel angry and sometimes hurt yourself or even others. Although the word "Stress" may seem a common word to you, but it is not as light and simple as you think of it. According to several researches stress is so common that approximately population of 74% people suffer from it. On the other hand it is so dangerous that medical experts estimates that almost 90% of diseases are related to stress, as it directly affects your mental as well as physical health. Therefore, it is very essential to pay attention towards it and know how it can be controlled!


Stress is generally your body's response to anything that requires attention, everyone experiences stress to some point but the way of responding of each one is different and that difference only creates fate of mental well being. Stress is generally a state of worry or tension and is caused by any difficult situation arrived in your life.

Usually stress releases hormones like adrenaline, cortisol and noradrenaline which in turn makes changes in the body to prepare and fight for situations. People can experience stress from different factors like environment, body illness and even their own thoughts.


Stress can be short term or long term, both can lead to a variety of symptoms. However, long term or chronic stress can turn out to be much dangerous and take a toll on your body as well as mind. Some common signs of stress can include:-

a) Mood swings
b) Dizziness
c) Feeling anxious
d) Low energy
e) Headaches
f) Fast heartbeat
g) Memory loss
h) Difficulty in concentration

The symptoms of stress can differ from person to person, its not necessary that every person will show same symptoms and that too on the same extent, some people may show severe symptoms as compared to others.


There can be many causes of stress such as personal issues, family problems, any chronic illness, financial or career related problems. In today's time problem like stress is only increasing, therefore paying attention to it have become more necessary then ever. Some of the common causes may include:-

a) Financial problems
b) Being unhappy in your job.
c) Major change in life like job loss, marriage or divorce.
d) Death of any loved one.
e) Dealing with any chronic disease.
f) Relationship issues
g) Problems related to studies.
h) Facing any traumatic event like natural disaster, rape, theft, accident, etc.


When stress is temporary or short term then it may not have much serious affect on your health but if you are dealing with chronic or long term stress then it can have serious affects on your health. Infact you may have also noticed this fact that when you are under any stressful situation your heartbeat speeds up, your breathing gets faster, your muscle tense and you start to sweat. It is because your body launches a physical response and nervous system springs into action and release hormones that prepare you to either fight or flight from the situation. Under short term body do recover but under long term it may have serious effects on you such as:-

a) Heart diseases
b) Stomach problems
c) Depression
d) Weight gain or loss
e) Fertility problems
f) Skin problems
g) Ageing
h) Thyroid and other hormones related problems.
i) Relationship issues
j) Loss of creativity
k) Lack of concentration
l) Fatigue
m) Difficulty in sleeping


As you have seen there are variety of diseases which can attack your body if you develop stress, according to many experts almost 90% of diseases are caused by stress whether heart problems, skin diseases or upset stomach, directly or indirectly all are associated with stress. Therefore you must try to cope up with stress through the following ways:-

a) Deep breathing
b) Practice meditation daily
c) Try to maintain proper sleep timings.
d) Eat healthy and avoid junk food.
e) Practice yoga or exercise early morning.
f) Identify factors that make you feel stressed and avoid them.
g) Avoid taking drugs, alcohol and smoking.
h) Spend time with nature and animals.
i) Avoid negative people or environment.
j) Find hobbies and activities that make you feel relaxed.
k) Read motivational and spiritual books everyday.
l) Be grateful for whatever you have achieved till now.
m) Stay connected with your loved ones.
n) Minimize phone use and screen time.
o) Listen relaxing music in leisure time.
p) Seek medical help if your symptoms continues to get worse.


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