7 easy ways to protect your Mental Health!

The word "Health" comes from the root word "Whole" which means feeling healthy means to be complete physically as well as mentally. Like you pay attention to other parts of the body, the brain also needs special care to work properly but out of ignorance you do some things which directly or indirectly damage the brain and mental health. During today's time people have to deal with much stress than earlier thus you must include some habits in your daily life which can help your brain to remain healthy for a long time and avoid those things which may damage your brain. So let's have a look at those 7 simple yet effective things which must be considered for a healthy life.

1. Stop working during any illness.

while you are sick your energy gets depleted as the body is already working very hard to fight the disease, thus at such time any mental or physical work can lead to extra weightage on your brain which may cause damage to your mental health. Therefore during any illness be it a common cough and cold or any serious health issue you must give proper rest to your mind as well as the body. As it is during the rest time only when the body gets proper healing so make it a habit to take proper rest during any illness, it will also help you to recover fast.

2. Avoid too much Sugar consumption.

Sugar as known is not good for the body, eating too much sugar can lead to a variety of health problems such as diabetes, weight gain, skin problems, stomach problems, etc. but according to some recent studies too much sugar can also put your brain at risk. As refined sugar have so many harmful chemicals in it sugar and products made by sugar may damage your brain in a long run. Therefore it is advisable to decrease your sugar consumption and switch to natural sweet things such as jaggery, dates, fruits, etc.

3. Skipping Meals.

Many times due to work pressure you skip your breakfast, lunch or dinner. Normally this look like a common thing to you but according to studies skipping meals weakens your brain cells as the mind keeps on working throughout the day it needs proper nutrition in between but ignoring meals puts extra load on brain cells and due to which in a long run it may damage your brain functioning. Thus, make a proper time to have breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday, follow it properly and you will see improvement in your memory power and speed of learning things.

4. Disturbed sleep.

You may have heard that proper sleep timings are must for a healthy life, it is true not only for the physical health but for the mental health as well. When you sleep not only your body gets recovered but your brain too gains energy to work again for the next day, but lack of peaceful sleep damage brain functioning which can also lead to mental health problems in the long run. Hence, it is advised that sleep timings must be same for everyday, sleep must be peaceful and you must have at least 6 hours sleep everyday. This way the brain gets proper rest and its cells get healed, you get proper energy to work effectively on the next day again.

5. Spending more time in darkness.

it is a proven fact that people who spend more time in darkness are more prone to develop any mental health issue than others. Darkness often generates negative thoughts in the mind of a person whereas light develops positivity, hence you must get enough sunlight everyday which is a natural source of light in the world, sunlight don't only provides you Vitamin D but is very essential for proper working of the brain. Also make it a habit to stay in the rooms which have proper lighting facilities, avoid staying in the darkness except at the night when you are asleep.

6. Holding Bad memories in mind.

it is habit of most of the people that they always remember the bad things happened with them in the past be it any accident, insult, disaster or failure. Bad memories whenever pop up in the mind brings fear, anger and guilt in the brain which is not at all good for the mental health in a long period of time. Thus, learn to move on in the life, try to forget what happened in the past and think your future is bright. If you have faced insults in the past then forgive those people, not for their but for your own good as without forgiving others you will never be able to forget and move on in the life.

7. Avoid Complaining every time.

when you are unsatisfied with anything you start to complain for that, it may seem as a common thing to you but what most of us don't know is that even 30 minutes of complaining everyday damages brain functioning, thus complaining or even to listen complains affects neurons into hippocampus which is the part of brain used for cognitive functioning. Complaining also brings negativity in environment which is not good for the mental health, therefore avoid complaining in every small issues and try to handle yourself, or if you spend time with someone who have habit of complaining each time then guide him also in this regard.


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